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Why Your Cancer Cells Would Like Some Diet Soda, Too

Cancer cells get a kick out of the aspartame in diet soda, just as we do. It stimulates their growth and mobility, scientific research tells us.(1)

And since there's a lag time of 8-10 years between the start of any cancer and the time when it can be detected by medical screening procedures, it is wise not to be feeding undiscovered cancer cells something that promotes their growth during that time, wouldn't you agree?

While we are led to believe we are avoiding weight gain by choosing a diet soda or sugar-free energy drink, did you know these drinks still promote obesity? It's true.

Diet Soda Isn't All You Have To Watch Out For...

In fact, most American fast foods are loaded with chemicals that not only stimulate the growth of our bellies, but also increase the growth of tumors, the prevalence of sudden cardiac death, and long-term brain damage in children and adults.

With diet soda and fast food, we get way more than we bargained for!

If you learned what these food additives in diet pop and fast food meals were doing to your innards, you would hardly call them "Happy".

Would it bother you to know that these same ingredients are linked to ADD and lower IQ in your children?

I wish I was making all this up, but I'm not. All these findings are reported in prestigious medical peer-reviewed journals for you to read, if you know where to look.

Your daily newspaper won't tell you how much danger lies in the foods they advertise, because 1) they don't know; and 2) the food processors are one of their biggest sources of advertising revenue.

But Soy Foods Are Healthy, Right?

Processed soy foods -- often viewed by health-conscious consumers as a good alternative to meat and dairy protein -- are prime sources of these neurotoxins. So, by trying to do "the right thing" with our diet, we end up causing unexpected damage to ourselves and our children.

It is possible to avoid most of these toxins in our food supply, but the key is Knowledge. But, with all the intentional misinformation put out by food processors, it is difficult to find the truth, which is buried in hard-to-decipher medical research reports.

Of all the sources of cancer, the genetic damage certain food additives do is the least suspected. After all, they were approved by the FDA, weren't they?

Well, there's an interesting history behind aspartame, in particular.

You remember Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary of Defense who helped get the U.S. into the Iraq War? We also have him to thank for pushing through the approval of aspartame when he was CEO of G.D. Searle Pharmaceuticals, the inventors of aspartame.

What A Coincidence!

It is very handy to employ an executive with political connections who shrugs off unintended consequences of his actions by simply saying, "Stuff happens".

Well, when that stuff is happening to you and your children, it might be worth learning what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Diet soda with aspartame is one product that gives you much more than you bargained for.

(1) Excitotoxins -- The Taste That Kills by Russell Blaylock, MD

For more information documenting the dangers posed by aspartame, MSG, and other food additives, grab a copy of an interview with noted brain surgeon and expert on the subject at Diet Soda

View the original article here

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