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Showing posts with the label Happens

What Actually Happens When You Eat Meat - The Link Between Meat-Eating And Cancer

What actually happens when you eat meat? The most blood-thickening agent is food protein, particularly if it is derived from an animal source. Let us assume you eat a medium-sized piece of steak, chicken or fish (cadaver protein). When compared to a carnivorous animal like a lion or a wolf, your stomach can produce only the relative amount of 1/20 of the hydrochloric acid needed to digest such a concentrated protein meal. In addition, the relative concentration of the hydrochloric acid in cats or wolves is at least five times higher than in humans. A cat or wolf can easily eat and digest the bones of a chicken, whereas humans cannot. Most of the cadaver's protein, therefore, will pass undigested into the small intestine where it will either putrefy (80%) or enter the bloodstream (20%). The liver is able to break down some of the absorbed protein, which forms the waste products urea and uric acid. This waste matter is passed on to the kidneys for excretion with the urine. However,