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Showing posts with the label Survival

Throat Cancer Survival Rate - Know Your Chances

If you haven't known yet, the throat cancer survival rate is usually based on each stage of the cancer. This really isn't surprising knowing that most cancer survival percentages are estimated by their stages. A throat cancer survival rate may be measured by 5 years or 10 years period. But recently, most researchers are now using the 5 years time period when conducting survival rate studies of most cancers. Cancer of the throat is the cancer of our voice box (larynx) and its surrounding tissues. The most prominent parts of our throat are the larynx and the pharynx but most cancers arise from the former, accounting to nearly half of all throat cancer cases in America. Statistical studies will tell you that in the us alone, more than 25,000 people are being diagnosed of this type of cancer per year. Smoking is one of the major predisposing factors of this cancer, therefore, the prevalence rate of acquiring this disease is higher in male than in female. As the person ages, the ch