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Showing posts with the label Management

The Psychology of Cancer Management

It is best that we can come to an understanding regarding the nature of those cells that our clinicians determine to be "cancerous" and how the behaviour of those cells impacts on our lives. I use the word "lives" quite deliberately here and not the singular because the very diagnosis of this illness, immediately impacts on our family, our friends and acquaintances and even upon those people who we are yet to meet. It is an unfortunate fact that the very word cancer, carries with it an implicit warning of our mortality. Indeed, many among us have a pre-conceived notion that a diagnosis of cancer is a pre-determined announcement of impending death. This notion, I have observed, is quite common until such diagnosis becomes personal, where-upon an almost instantaneous determination to live comes about. When working with people with a diagnosis of cancer, I have frequently observed that, no matter what their conscious observations are, they see cancer as some kind of e