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Showing posts with the label Trials

The Benefits of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials represent leading-edge medical science. However, less than 5% of adults diagnosed with cancer each year are enrolled in them. While there are a number of various treatment approaches being offered, 8/10 patients are not aware that this is a viable option for them. If they are offering treatment options above and beyond the standard treatment, why are patients not utilizing this valuable resource? Results from surveys and focus groups concluded that the vast majority of patients are unaware of clinical trials and doctors are not enrolling patients due to a lack of time, staffing, funding, and resources. Indeed, enrolling a patient in a trial requires a significant amount of time and resources for physicians. Furthermore, there are some serious misconceptions held by some physicians and patients. Molecular targeted clinical trials need to be viewed separately from other trials. Since targeted trials are based on well-established molecular mechanisms, they do not require