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Signs Of Lung Cancer

Signs of Lung Cancer, the signs and symptoms to check for. It seems as though today more and more people are having pulmonary problems which can be signs of Lung Cancer. Let us take a look at the signs of Lung Cancer and it's symptoms; suppose you are having pulmonary problems and you believe that these are the Signs of Lung Cancer, it is a good idea to go to a physician to have tests done, this is the only way of knowing you have lung cancer. First of all, you may want to know that there are four types of Lung Cancer, these four types of Lung Cancer are: small cell lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer, large cell carcinoma lung cancer and adenocarcinoma lung cancer. All of these four are most likely linked to smoking or second degree smoke, but it is also known that the Signs of Lung Cancer can have an inherited component to this. There is a research being done, that maybe the signs of Lung Cancer can be linked to diet, but that is still in the research arena, but some