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cure for lung cancer

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading cure for lung cancer articles and products to help you on your way to success. What-is-mesothelioma-lung-cancer- By Peter Lenkefi Mesothelioma Lung Cancer, also known as Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer, is caused by a change in the Mesothelioma cells that normally provide a protective coating around the Lungs. When the Mesothelioma cells become cancerous, they begin to change and form white nodules and later form into tumor clumps. In the later stages of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer, the Cancer can invade the lungs and other organs contained within upper body area. The results of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer can lead to shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and other conditional illnesses. The medical profession has documented that Mesothelioma Lung Cancer is a direct result of exposure to Asbestos related substances. Asbestos usually consists of fibers that can enter the body through the mouth, or the skin, and, subsequently, enter the lung