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Showing posts with the label Would

Why Your Cancer Cells Would Like Some Diet Soda, Too

Cancer cells get a kick out of the aspartame in diet soda, just as we do. It stimulates their growth and mobility, scientific research tells us.(1) And since there's a lag time of 8-10 years between the start of any cancer and the time when it can be detected by medical screening procedures, it is wise not to be feeding undiscovered cancer cells something that promotes their growth during that time, wouldn't you agree? While we are led to believe we are avoiding weight gain by choosing a diet soda or sugar-free energy drink, did you know these drinks still promote obesity? It's true. Diet Soda Isn't All You Have To Watch Out For... In fact, most American fast foods are loaded with chemicals that not only stimulate the growth of our bellies, but also increase the growth of tumors, the prevalence of sudden cardiac death, and long-term brain damage in children and adults. With diet soda and fast food, we get way more than we bargained for! If you learned what these food a