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celebrity lung cancer

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading celebrity lung cancer articles and products to help you on your way to success. Common-causes-of-lung-cancer By smgenie There are a various risk factors that are linked to lung cancer. The most common known causes are as follows: Cigarette Smoking Cigarette smoking is probably the most closely related link to developing lung cancer. A person who smokes two packs or more of cigarettes per day has a one in seven chance of developing lung cancer. Those that smoke one pack of cigarettes per day have a twenty-five times greater chance of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker. In addition, those people that smoke a pipe or cigar have a five times greater chance of developing lung cancer than a non-smoker. The risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over your lifetime. Cigarette smoking damages the cells in your lungs. The moment you stop smoking, your lungs begin healing themselves, replacing dam

cure for lung cancer

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading cure for lung cancer articles and products to help you on your way to success. What-is-mesothelioma-lung-cancer- By Peter Lenkefi Mesothelioma Lung Cancer, also known as Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer, is caused by a change in the Mesothelioma cells that normally provide a protective coating around the Lungs. When the Mesothelioma cells become cancerous, they begin to change and form white nodules and later form into tumor clumps. In the later stages of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer, the Cancer can invade the lungs and other organs contained within upper body area. The results of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer can lead to shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and other conditional illnesses. The medical profession has documented that Mesothelioma Lung Cancer is a direct result of exposure to Asbestos related substances. Asbestos usually consists of fibers that can enter the body through the mouth, or the skin, and, subsequently, enter the lung

smoking lung cancer

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading smoking lung cancer articles and products to help you on your way to success. How-smoking-increases-the-risk-of-lung-cancer By Gray Rollins With so many dangers associated with smoking, especially the correlation between smoking and the development of lung cancer, it is amazing to see how many people continue to voluntarily take part in this activity! Why is it that these mostly mature, reasonably intelligent men and women of every nationality allow such a small object to have so much control over their lives? You’d think it would be easy to just say “NO” to this tiny little death machine, but in reality it just isn’t so. Why? Because smoking is a habit and habits are hard to break. Interestingly even efforts to raise the price of a pack of cigarettes have failed to slow the demand. And even though they aren’t cheap, cigarettes are very easy to buy, which makes it even harder to break this habit. Smoking is the number one contribu

lung cancer treatment with Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is an important part of cancer treatment. And with advances in technology, doctors are now able to use radiation to treat tumors more precisely than ever before. In this interview, we'll learn about new approaches in cancer care using radiation therapy. Part One: What is radiation therapy Types of cancer treated with radiation External beam radiation Planning radiation treatment (mapping) Triology Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Part Two: SirSpheres Gamma Knife Radioactive seeds Smoking and cancer Cigarette restitution fund Guest: Dr. Mohan Suntha, Vice Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Associate Director of the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center. Dr. Suntha is also a professor of radiation oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Lung cancer pill may get second chance after tests

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The lung cancer pill Iressa has shown surprising results for patients with advanced disease where it has been at least as effective as a standard chemotherapy treatment, researchers reported on Thursday. Patients who got the once-a-day pill made by AstraZeneca lived as long as those given the chemotherapy treatment Sanofi-Aventis' Taxotere or docetaxel, the international team of researchers found. This is second-line treatment, traditionally offered after a course of combined chemotherapies that can last months and is still considered the best approach to lung cancer. "The study is the first time in lung cancer that an oral biological agent has been tested head-to-head against chemotherapy," Dr. Edward Kim of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and colleagues wrote in the Lancet medical journal. Kim's team tested 1,466 patients in 24 countries who had completed a first course of standard chemotherapy. Half got Ires

Stage 3 Lung Cancer

Cancer is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs could be indicative of lung cancer. These abnormal cells have a tendency to grow but do not develop into healthy tissue of lungs. Research has shown that 87% of lung cancer is related to smoking. Risks are considerably reduced if the person quits smoking. Extent to which cancer has spread is categorized as different stages. The stage depends upon the size of tumor and areas it has spread to. Doctors decide mode of treatment based on the stage of cancer. Localized cancer in a particular part of lung is termed as Stage 1. If it has spread to the lymph nodes at the top of the lungs, it is termed as Stage 2. Cancer spreads to the chest walls during Stage 3. There is a possibility of cancer having spread to other parts of the body such as windpipe or heart, once it reaches Stage 3. Sometimes there can be fluid collection around the lungs that contain cancer cells. Symptoms of lung cancer can vary

Lung Cancer Stages

Cancers are staged depending on how far they have spread. Staging a cancer correctly is essential to select the most appropriate treatment option. A number of diagnostic tests, such as CT scans, MRIs, bronchoscopy, blood tests, bone scans, and biopsies are used to find out how far the cancer has spread. Non-small cell lung cancers, which account for about 80 percent of lung cancers, are staged using the Roman numerals 0 through IV. If a cancer is too small to be detected, it is called an occult or hidden cancer and not assigned any numeral. Stage 0 cancer, or carcinoma in situ, is limited to the lung and only involves a few layers of cells. Stage I cancer is still limited to the lung, with an area of normal tissue surrounding it. Stage I cancers are further divided into Stage IA and Stage IB, depending on the size of the tumor. In stage II cancer, the cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, the chest wall, the diaphragm, or to the tissues lining the lung (pleura) and the heart (p

Lung Cancer Prevention

Circumstances and life style factors that increase a person?s chances of developing a disease are known as risk factors. On the contrary things that prevent disease from developing are called protective factors. Prevention involves increasing protective factors and decreases risk factors. There are various risk factors for lung cancer. Smoking is considered to be a factor that adds to the risk of lung cancer. The risk is also increased for passive smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke indirectly. It is possible to prevent lung cancer if it is not hereditary. In case there is history of lung cancer in the family, it may not be possible to totally eliminate chances of developing the disease. It is however possible to reduce chances by following an active lifestyle. Regular exercise lowers risks. Additionally, chances of developing lung cancer may reduce if a person consumes low fat diet that is high in fiber content. Treatment of cancer is a painful process for the patient. Treatment

The Top 5 Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer

Lung cancer takes a huge toll on the healthcare resources and also in terms of loss of hours at the workplace. Lung cancer accounts for more than a million deaths annually. Knowing what are the risk factors for lung cancer and preventing the same can go a long way in reducing the number of deaths from lung cancer. Here are 5 sure shot ways of reducing the incidence of lung cancer. 1. STOP smoking NOW: Smoking causes 87% of all lung cancers and quitting smoking has several benefits chief among which is preventing lung cancer. If you are a smoker you should consider quitting now and if that is difficult get some help but do please quit smoking. 2. Fruits and Vegetables: Your diet should include a large portion of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain anti-oxidants and flavonoids that help protect the DNA of cells and also repair damaged cells. 3. Get your homes tested for Radon: Radon is a breakdown product of Uranium. Radon is an inert gas and cannot be seen, felt, smelle

Lung Cancer Treatment

The most commonly used treatments for lung cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The exact treatment a lung cancer patient receives will depend on several factors. These include the type of cancer, the stage or extent to which it has spread at the time of diagnosis, and the overall health of the patient. Non-small cell lung cancer, which accounts for about 80 percent of lung cancer cases, is treated depending on its stage at diagnosis. Lung surgery is the mainstay of treatment for the early stages of lung cancer. Cancerous tissue, along with a margin of healthy tissue, is removed. Patients who are unable to have surgery may be treated with radiotherapy. While cure rates for early lung cancer are good, it is rarely detected in its early stages. As non-small cell cancer spreads within the chest, it is treated with some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Once cancer has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy and radiotherapy replace surgery as the ma

Signs Of Lung Cancer

Signs of Lung Cancer, the signs and symptoms to check for. It seems as though today more and more people are having pulmonary problems which can be signs of Lung Cancer. Let us take a look at the signs of Lung Cancer and it's symptoms; suppose you are having pulmonary problems and you believe that these are the Signs of Lung Cancer, it is a good idea to go to a physician to have tests done, this is the only way of knowing you have lung cancer. First of all, you may want to know that there are four types of Lung Cancer, these four types of Lung Cancer are: small cell lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer, large cell carcinoma lung cancer and adenocarcinoma lung cancer. All of these four are most likely linked to smoking or second degree smoke, but it is also known that the Signs of Lung Cancer can have an inherited component to this. There is a research being done, that maybe the signs of Lung Cancer can be linked to diet, but that is still in the research arena, but some