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The Truth About Cancer That Very Few People Know

There is no mystery to cancer, it is simply a result of the way we now live which weakens our immune system and allows normal body cells to mutate or divide without control. The way we now live has changed, especially with the food we now eat and that's why there is so much cancer. At present it is only a problem in the western developed world but is increasing rapidly in undeveloped countries as they become more affluent. We don't have a cure for cancer today but only treatments and these treatments have many faults. Also we are kept totally ignorant about the causes and most doctors don't know the causes. Everyone is hopeful that a cure will be discovered soon but unfortunately there isn't a drug that will cure cancer. The reasons why they haven't been able to find a successful cure are because it doesn't exist. But there is a way to become free of cancer and that doesn't involve drugs. Cancer is similar to the disease of scurvy that existed 200 years ago