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The Truth About Cancer That Very Few People Know

There is no mystery to cancer, it is simply a result of the way we now live which weakens our immune system and allows normal body cells to mutate or divide without control. The way we now live has changed, especially with the food we now eat and that's why there is so much cancer. At present it is only a problem in the western developed world but is increasing rapidly in undeveloped countries as they become more affluent.

We don't have a cure for cancer today but only treatments and these treatments have many faults. Also we are kept totally ignorant about the causes and most doctors don't know the causes. Everyone is hopeful that a cure will be discovered soon but unfortunately there isn't a drug that will cure cancer. The reasons why they haven't been able to find a successful cure are because it doesn't exist. But there is a way to become free of cancer and that doesn't involve drugs.

Cancer is similar to the disease of scurvy that existed 200 years ago when thousands of seamen died. Did they solve the problem of scurvy with a drug? Of course not; the only way was to deal with the deficiency that caused the problem. Scurvy is a lack of vitamin C in the body and can only be cured by replacing the missing vitamin. Same with cancer, a true cure has to address the cause and has to come from within the body.

Just removing cancer growths which is what our doctors are focused on now days is often of little help and of course nothing is ever mentioned about stopping cancer at its source so that it never returns. Like scurvy, a cancer growth will develop because the body is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals and surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is certainly not going to rectify that.

A true cure means addressing the causes, which is the reason why these growths first appeared. All cancers happen for a reason and when you deal with and correct these reasons the body will strengthen and remove the growths safely and without it ever returning again. It works for all cancers and works for everyone. I know people don't like making changes but unfortunately there is no other way. Even if you are having the orthodox treatments, such as radiation or chemotherapy you still need to make lifestyle changes, it's essential.

You may wonder why we only have those three treatments and sadly it's because they are all profitable. Money plays a big part in anything to do with cancer, whether it's screening programs for breast cancer or P.S.A. tests for prostate problems. Then the treatments themselves are extremely expensive and the entire industry is totally controlled by the cancer societies, pharmaceutical companies and anyone else who's profiting from it.

No one can make money out of informing a patient to change their diet and eat healthy food and make other simple lifestyle changes. That's why nobody is told about these ways to treat cancer and even doctors have minimal training in nutrition so they don't know. Remember, doctors get cancer and also die of the disease. It is difficult to believe this is happening, and the people in charge of the industry are not going to change the status quo in the foreseeable future.

When fighting a disease such as cancer it is essential to look after your immune system. Our three treatments you will be offered today suppress your immune system and kill you bodies naturally ability to fight the disease, don't ever forget that.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on genuine ways to overcome cancer using the natural healing ability of the human body. If you are seeking information on how to become cancer free using these ways, please visit;

View the original article here

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