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The Cure for Cancer?

I receive many emails asking for me to pray for the cure for cancer and always see people doing sponsored events to raise funds for research to find the cure. But, do we not already know what 'the cure' is?

Apparently everyone has cancer cells or pre-cancerous cells in their body and the body's immune system disposes of these naturally. It's only when the immune system is down that the body is unable to fight and dispose of these cells that they begin to multiply to a detectable level.

The malignant cells will not show up in tests until they have multiplied to several billion and when a doctor tells a patient that they no longer have cancer, it just means that they have gone back down to below the level of detection. It is for this same reason that, when carrying out surgery, doctors often find more cancer than they expected from what was seen on Xrays and MRIs - because there were cancer cells in other areas of the body that were still below the detectable rate.

The best option of course is to try to prevent the cancer cells from multiplying in the first place by keeping our immune system strong and I will be looking at the various ways in which to do this. Even if you have been diagnosed with cancer already, you can use this as an additional weapon (as a means of supplementing medical treatment you are receiving already and not as a substitute).

Our immune system goes down when we have nutritional deficiencies, which can be genetic, due to environmental factors, lack of good nutrition in our diet and other lifestyle factors.

Firstly we should be taking a close look at our diet - make sure we are eating the right foods, getting enough nutrients and using supplements for anything that our diet may be lacking. You can speak to your doctor, a nutritionist or do some research online to make sure you are eating enough from each food group. Also, eating 4-5 small meals a day is thought to be healthier than 2-3 larger meals as it keeps our metabolism running throughout the day and our bodies will be supplied with a steady flow of nutrients.

Get to know the superfoods (so called because of their high nutritional value) and try to include as many of these as possible in your diet. These include: broccoli, spinach, blueberries, oily fish, sweet potatoes, garlic, cocoa, walnuts and any foods containing lycopene e.g. tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, etc. Do some reading up on this subject and find the ones you like and will enjoy eating regularly.

Cancer apparently thrives in an acid environment and so it's best to avoid too much meat. Some animals are fed growth hormones and antibiotics, and may also have parasites, which are harmful and especially to people already suffering from cancer. Meat protein is also harder to digest and the undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied, leading to more toxic build-up. Fish and a little chicken are thought to be the best recommendation.

As well as meat products, research suggests that the following are also foods to be avoided: starchy, fried foods such as chips and fries (these contain the chemical, acryl amide - a probable carcinogen); smoked and pickled foods; grapefruit and trans fats; sodas; refined sugar and artificial sweeteners; and milk.

I always assumed that fruit was also acidic, however, all fruits turn to alkaline when they reach the stomach and of course they are an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients, particularly blueberries, which are thought by some to be the #1 superfood. It is very important to get your four servings of fruit each day (and of course, don't forget your five servings of vegetables!). Fruit should always be eaten on an empty stomach and drinking a smoothie or glass of concentrated fruit juice is an excellent start to the day. (Check out 'the Miracle Drink' article)

When heating any foods, avoid using plastic containers or heating foods with plastic covering. Also, do not drink from plastic water bottles that have been in the freezer. Any plastics exposed to excessive heat or excessive cold temperatures are thought to produce cancer causing carcinogens.

You should also try to avoid too much tea and coffee due to the high caffeine content, and you should try substituting them sometimes with green tea, which is an excellent anti-oxidant.

There are other lifestyle factors, of course, which can increase your risk of cancer. It goes without saying that smoking and excessive drinking should be avoided because they rob your body of essential nutrients. You should also make sure you exercise and do some deep breathing daily - cancer cells cannot survive in oxygenated environment. Avoid using tanning beds or having over-exposure to the sun as this will increase your chances of developing skin cancer. Also, make sure you are not being exposed to any dangerous substances, gases or chemicals - in your home or work environment.

Last, but not least, remember that cancer is a disease of the mind, body and soul. They say that a positive, proactive person is much less likely to have cancer than an angry, bitter and unforgiving person. Learn to let go of past hurts and don't allow yourself to become too stressed. Doctors have been noticing for many years that many patients are being diagnosed with cancer after going through periods of prolonged stress. So learn to take life if your stride and live each day like it's your very last.

On saying that, I have to say that I know some wonderful and positive characters who have developed cancer. There are no set rules. It's like the 30 year old, who has never smoked a day in their life dying of lung cancer or someone who smokes and drinks every day of their life, yet dies peacefully in their sleep at the age of 96! Maybe because they kept their immune systems strong in other ways?

In conclusion, I would say that we already have 'the cure': make sure you keep your immune system strong. These cells are going to occur in your body any way and you have to keep the body strong and healthy in order to deal with them naturally. Have a think about every aspect of your diet, your lifestyle and your emotional health. I believe that the increase in the number of a cancer cases in recent years is due to the foods we are now eating and modern day stress. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a burger and fries every now and again or the odd can of cola or ever sit out in the sun. We all have stress at some point in our lives too.. it's only natural. Everything in moderation is the key. Find ways in which you can strengthen your immune system and keep it strong in order that those cancer cells are always kept at a minimum so they can be disposed of naturally by your body, and that you are not setting up an environment for them which allows them to thrive and mutate.

View the original article here

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