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The Cancer Diet and Juicing - 3 Foods You Should Drink Every Day

Can you really kill cancer with juice?

Absolutely, but understand we aren't talking about apple juice in a tin. Fresh homemade juices extracted from whole organic produce have some of the most potent cancer fighting compounds you will find anywhere. With a little knowledge, and the right kitchen tools, your kitchen can become your very own healthy clinic.

The first thing you need to understand is that our bodies do two things naturally that are important in this anti-cancer battle. The first thing your body does is utilize the immune system to kill off new cancer cells as they begin to grow, and long before anything can be detected. Cancer cells form in every body, and our body knows what to do to heal that before it becomes a concern. The second thing your body does that is important in the context of this article is that it grows new cells every day, and it does so with the tools it has on hand.

Everything you eat will be used, in part, to build a new body cell. So from now on, before you put anything in your mouth, I want you to imagine what kind of cell will grow from this food. That should really give you pause to consider your dietary habits. I mean, who wants to make a new liver cell, or piece of lung tissue out of a potato chip or a 'hot dog'.

OK, so what about juicing? Why not just eat your vegetables and fruits?

Well you can, and should, eat lots of fresh vegetables and some fruit every day. Juicing is EXTRA and should also be done at least daily. You can get so much more of the nutrients that kill cancer, concentrated into a serving size once you remove the pulp.

So first you need a juicer. You can spend up to $500, or even more, but you don't need to unless you know that you will be juicing once or twice daily for the rest of your life. You can just head on down to Walmart and pick up a Hamilton Beach brand or Jack LaLanne juicer for under $80. That's all I use, and it works very well.

Next you need some fresh vegetables to turn into juice. Here are some of the top cancer fighting vegetables for daily juicing.

#1. Carrots - One study found that carrots cut the risk of cancer by 1/3. Scientist have done studies that show that some of the vital nutrients that protect the carrot from fungus and disease in the ground also kill tumors. Juice 2 pounds washed, (organic if possible) carrots for about 6-8 ounces of delicious cancer fighting juice daily.

#2. Broccoli - Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts have compounds in them that have been proven by science to shrink, and kill, cancerous tumors. Juice 1 head of broccoli daily to kill cancerous cells.

#3. Spinach - Leafy greens like spinach, kale, romaine lettuce etc contain folate and other compounds that have been proven to kill cancerous growths. I wrap a handful of spinach in a romaine lettuce leaf before I feed it into my juicer. 3 of these gives me about 3 ounces of super concentrated green juice. Drink daily.

These 3 should make the base of your daily cancer fighting drink. Now you can spike it with other nutrition powerhouses that will make it taste better as well as boosting effectiveness. Throw and apple or two into your juicer. or throw all of your fresh made vegetables into a blended and whiz up with some fresh or frozen berries for a tastier cancer fighting treat. Mix it up, making sure to get a variety of fruits and vegetables

Shelley Penney is a retired registered nurse with a continued, insatiable thirst for health and wellness information. Although Shelley hails from traditional medical training, she is always searching for ways in which the natural world of healing herbs, foods and supplements can intersect with traditional medicine and benefit us all.

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