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Lung cancer survival rate - Stage 2 lung cancer

When a person looks for a medical professional about the stage 2 lung cancer, one of the first
questions that come to mind is: what is my lung cancer survival rate? This is largely influenced by the medical records showing that lung cancer is one of the lowest chances of survival of cancers in the world. One must realize that these statistics are only numbers and a variety of factors that can affect your chances of being cured.

The lung cancer survival rate is affected by several variables. One such variable is age.
Younger people tend to have a greater chance of survival for people over 50. This is due to the
strong natural defenses younger than the older. Medical records also indicate that women with lung cancer in stage 2 have a greater ability to be cured of their male counterparts the parties.

The spread of malignant tumor is a very important factor in determining the survival of lung cancer
exchange rate. The tumors may spread from the lung tissues to lymph nodes. When the lymph nodes
affected by cancer cells, a low survival rate of a little more. Continue to smoke even after being diagnosed with Stage 2 lung cancer greatly reduce one's ratio of being cured for Smoking increases curing toxins infused into the lungs.

Complications such as blood clots in the lungs would be a major obstacle in one's quest to be cured Lung cancer. In general, the overall health of the person is a major determinant of whether one is have a higher lung cancer survival rate or not.

Advances in technology today not only in detecting and determining the degree of cancer, but also to facilitate healing and appropriate methods of treatment are a major reasons for the Phase 2 rates lung cancer survival are beginning to climb. From now on, the year 5 survival rate of a person with Stage 2 lung cancer is 40 percent chance of cure at 50 and this could increase further if the patient has a very good physical condition - natural and defenses.

One should not fear at diagnosis of a terminal illness like cancer. He or she must remember that the key to surviving one of the greatest challenges of life have to face immediately to the early detection the better the chances of survival and cure.

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