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Why Is the Wireless Industry Not Taking Responsibility for the Coming Pandemic?

Let's get something straight right from the get go.

I am not trying to advocate for the dismantling of the wireless industry globally. Heaven knows if this was to happen the havoc it would wreck on the global economy would be devastating. You should know that the wireless industry, and that includes manufacturers, wireless providers, the ones that sell you the services and accessory resellers, make up an industry that on a worldwide scale is second in annual revenue to only the automotive sector. So we are talking about an industry behemoth!

So perhaps this is the reason why this industry itself has been so sheepish about discussing and addressing the concerns of medical professionals, researchers and scientists, who are all sounding the alarm regarding health concerns because of constant exposure to electro magnetic radiation, the stuff that is given off by anything that is electric.

Where cell phones and cordless phones are concerned the products we are using today are more powerful than the products of five, ten and fifteen years ago,and we hold them right against our head or carry them strapped to our body. A lot of the lack of concern is because many of the past studies were based on these underpowered devices and there was no real threat then. Studies conducted over the past 5 years combined with the more than 170 studies accumulated over the past fifteen years are all pointing in one direction and that is that there is now consensus among the medical community that this exposure is not a good thing especially where children are involved.

I believe that although there is conclusive medical evidence to confirm a link between the rising incidence of rare forms of brain cancers, especially those growing behind the ear of cell phone users, no one wants to sound the alarm for fear of destroying a massive industry.

What should be happening is for the industry to show some leadership and take some responsibility for educating consumers about how to use the technology in a safer fashion. Of particular note, people under the age of twenty, especially children are at a higher risk for all of the associated maladies for a couple of reasons. We know that the brain and the skull of a human does not fully mature till we reach our early twenties. Brain tissue in children is more porous and as a result any radiation that children are exposed to, travels deeper into the brain tissue.

Remember, our bodies are made up of mostly water. Cell and cordless phones operate on the same frequency of microwave energy that we use to cook our food so in essence when we talk for prolonged periods of time we are actually slow cooking our tissue. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this is not a good thing.

At the very least the manufacturers as well as the wireless providers should be providing a safe usage guide to all consumers. The most you will see right now for example is a little foot note from Apple and Blackberry instructing users to hold their phones in a certain way when placing them near the ear. This is their solution. It makes me angry that they can get away with stuff like this.

Also you should know that in North America, the CTIA, the industry association for wireless providers has blocked every attempt by the government to force the manufacturers and wireless providers to list the S.A.R. (specific absorption rate) rating of each phone. Every wireless device gives off radiation. The S.A.R. rating tells what this dose of radiation is and in North America the S.A.R. rating cannot exceed 1.6 w. Not only does the new Apple iPhone 4 surpass this rating, they are not even willing to make this information public.

Let me expand on this..if you look at the safety guide section of the manual that comes with the iPhone 4 they do list the SAR ratings that are under 1.6w. If you read closely and examine their testing protocol you will understand that when they take the measurement they position the phone 25 mm away from the ear..that is about an inch..I don't know about you but I don't know anyone that holds their phone this way when they put it to their ear. If anything they push it right up against the ear to hear more clearly.

It is quite obvious that Apple and other manufacturers test their phones this way because it allows them to get a lower SAR rating. But as you can see, this rating is not accurate. The other point of note here is that the testing standards as laid out by the government here in Canada haven't been upgraded since 1999.

The wireless and cordless devices of today are very different in terms of power than they were almost 12 years ago.

What is going on?

In other parts of the world like Finland and Israel for example it is mandated by law that S.A.R. ratings must be public knowledge. and posted on product boxes and at wireless locations so consumers can make an informed decision when purchasing products and services.

And so it goes...the devices get more complex and they get more powerful, exposing all of us and especially our children who are increasingly using these devices at a younger age, to the harmful effects of radiation.

Just when is this madness going to stop?

How many people are already sick, will get sick and will die?

What are we waiting for?

It all comes down to money.

View the original article here

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