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Analysis: Life saving lung cancer test to set off cost debate

By Bill Berkrot NEW YORK | Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:07pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) - A landmark study showing that routine lung screening of heavy smokers and former smokers using low dose CT scans could save thousands of lives is sure to set off a fierce debate about the cost of such testing on an overburdened healthcare system. The U.S. National Cancer Institute studied more than 53,000 people between the ages of 55 and 74 deemed at high risk of developing lung cancer. It found that screening with the three-dimensional X-rays cut deaths by 20 percent. Details of the study and a discussion of its implications were published on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, lending additional weight to initial findings that were released in November. The discussion noted that radiologists using more advanced CT equipment than was available for the study could lead to an even larger reduction in lung cancer deaths. At the same time, the potential for many more false positive results could ri

MD Anderson rolls out lung CT screening

Following Wednesday’s release of comprehensive data from the National Lung Screening Trial, which demonstrated a 20 percent reduction in lung cancer mortality resulting from CT screening, MD Anderson Cancer Center publicized its aims to begin implementing lung screening for heavy smokers—without reimbursement from payors. Part of the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston becomes one of the first major providers to adopt CT screening for lung cancer, after having contributed 780 patients to the National Cancer Institute’s National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). This week, investigators from half-a-dozen NLST participating sites published an updated and more extensive analysis of the NLST’s November findings in the New England Journal of Medicine . The trial revealed that low-dose lung CT dramatically lowered lung cancer mortality compared with standard x-rays, with the results dramatic enough to spur the National Cancer Institute to cut short its multi-institution st

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts - Is This Pain I'm Having A Cyst?

Cysts on the ovaries are closed baglike bulks which forms within the ovaries. An ovarian cyst evolves during menstrual cycles. The majority of growths are part of the monthly period process -- which is known as functional growths. They happen during ovulation and they also vanish after a period of time. Simple cysts consist of fluid or solid materials when the egg cell isn't launched during ovulation. Growths may cause blood loss and discomfort but could end up being handled via surgical treatment. During ovulation, endocrine is released within the ovary, follicles and little bags where eggs are created. Whenever eggs are finally shaped the follicles are damaged to release the eggs. The little bags that don't have eggs are known as corpus luteum but when these follicles or bags aren't damaged, they form as ovarian growths. You will find different types of ovarian growths below. Follicular cysts -- this is shaped when follicles or bulk that contain egg cells develop and don

The Cure for Cancer?

I receive many emails asking for me to pray for the cure for cancer and always see people doing sponsored events to raise funds for research to find the cure. But, do we not already know what 'the cure' is? Apparently everyone has cancer cells or pre-cancerous cells in their body and the body's immune system disposes of these naturally. It's only when the immune system is down that the body is unable to fight and dispose of these cells that they begin to multiply to a detectable level. The malignant cells will not show up in tests until they have multiplied to several billion and when a doctor tells a patient that they no longer have cancer, it just means that they have gone back down to below the level of detection. It is for this same reason that, when carrying out surgery, doctors often find more cancer than they expected from what was seen on Xrays and MRIs - because there were cancer cells in other areas of the body that were still below the detectable rate. The b

Throat Cancer Survival Rate - Know Your Chances

If you haven't known yet, the throat cancer survival rate is usually based on each stage of the cancer. This really isn't surprising knowing that most cancer survival percentages are estimated by their stages. A throat cancer survival rate may be measured by 5 years or 10 years period. But recently, most researchers are now using the 5 years time period when conducting survival rate studies of most cancers. Cancer of the throat is the cancer of our voice box (larynx) and its surrounding tissues. The most prominent parts of our throat are the larynx and the pharynx but most cancers arise from the former, accounting to nearly half of all throat cancer cases in America. Statistical studies will tell you that in the us alone, more than 25,000 people are being diagnosed of this type of cancer per year. Smoking is one of the major predisposing factors of this cancer, therefore, the prevalence rate of acquiring this disease is higher in male than in female. As the person ages, the ch

The Truth About Cancer That Very Few People Know

There is no mystery to cancer, it is simply a result of the way we now live which weakens our immune system and allows normal body cells to mutate or divide without control. The way we now live has changed, especially with the food we now eat and that's why there is so much cancer. At present it is only a problem in the western developed world but is increasing rapidly in undeveloped countries as they become more affluent. We don't have a cure for cancer today but only treatments and these treatments have many faults. Also we are kept totally ignorant about the causes and most doctors don't know the causes. Everyone is hopeful that a cure will be discovered soon but unfortunately there isn't a drug that will cure cancer. The reasons why they haven't been able to find a successful cure are because it doesn't exist. But there is a way to become free of cancer and that doesn't involve drugs. Cancer is similar to the disease of scurvy that existed 200 years ago

Tips For Boosting Your Immune System During Chemo

One of the many side effects of chemotherapy is that it weakens your immune system which is our repair system that keeps us health. So your main focus when undergoing chemotherapy should be to support the immune system by making some changes, especially with your food choices. There isn't a drug or a pill that will strengthen this system but only naturally way to achieve that. One of the many advantages of looking after the immune system during chemotherapy is there will be fewer consequences from the many side effects this treatment has. Also since all cancers are first caused by an immune system that wasn't functioning properly and allowed cancer cells to develop, doesn't it make sense to learn about it and what you can do to assist it? Firstly avoid doing anything that further weakens the immune system so cut down on alcohol, give up smoking which includes avoiding passive smoke, eat less dietary fats that are in fatty meats and butter, cheese and cream. Don't use c